Monday, August 12, 2019


There's the place you live and there's the place you're from and there's the place you belong. I'm trying to get those all lined up. I have arrived in Los Angeles and my first scheduled appointment happened to be just 6 blocks from the place I was born. It is now the Dream Center, a Christian community service center. At the time of my birth it was Our Lady Queen of Angels hospital. And so it went throughout the day. All the old sites and sights and even the changes remind me who I am and where I'm from. That doesn't mean I belong here or that I'll be able to live here again, but I am definitely from here. 

Here's a snippet of Robert Frost that has been stuck in my head. It's from Death of the Hired Hand, North of Boston, 1914

"Home is the place where, when you have to go there
They have to take you in."

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